To prepare and conduct a ceremony that portrays your wishes using my creativity, sensitivity and professionalism to make this occasion unique and memorable for all.

There are a number of reasons why a couple may wish to renew, or reaffirm, their marriage vows.

The most common reason is to reaffirm the marriage on the occasion of an anniversary and be able to happily reflect on their achievements together, including successfully raising a family.

A Renewal of Vows ceremony is also suitable where married couples, who, after separation, are reunited.

Some couples also feel the need for a Renewal of Vows ceremony when their original ceremony, for one reason or another, was meaningless to them (they may have been too young, had no say in planning or the wording of the ceremony, or perhaps cannot remember any of it).

It could even be that one partner is ill and the couple wish to celebrate their love for each other with a further commitment and celebration of their life together with family and friends.

May you always have Love to Share, 
Health to Spare and Friends that Care